Our partners support Black women-led, community-based initiatives to empower the community.

We’re proud of the work we do with our partners to create avenues toward systemic shifts. We are actively seeking partners to support our arts & wellness-based workforce program to bring health and wellness, financial empowerment, nutritional training, mental health services, job opportunities, and new businesses to under-resourced, overlooked communities. This bold and comprehensive training program is developing a replicable blueprint to help transform communities nationwide.

OUR Partners

Interested in becoming a partner?

If you would like to help us make magic, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly!


Grown Women Dance Collective is fiscally sponsored by 501c3 Dancers Group.

GWDC is supported by a grant from The San Francisco Foundation and is supported by the California Arts Council and Nonprofit Finance Fund. “Fallen Heroes, Rising Stars: A Juneteenth Celebration Through Dance” is supported by the Oakland City Council, California Arts Council, and funded by the City of Oakland's Cultural Funding Program.